Secure Your Signatures with SignFree

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on electronic documents and signatures for their day-to-day operations. However, with the rise of cybercrime and data breaches, ensuring the security of these digital documents and signatures has become a top priority. This is where SignFree comes in – our e-signature platform offers a variety of security features to help you secure your signatures and protect your business from cyber threats.


Secure Signature with SignFree

At SignFree, we understand the importance of secure signatures, and we take every measure to ensure that your signatures are safe and secure. Our platform offers advanced security features to protect your documents and signatures from unauthorized access, tampering, and interception. Here are some of the ways SignFree can help you secure your signatures:

  1. Authentication: SignFree uses advanced authentication methods to ensure that only authorized users have access to your documents and signatures. We offer multi-factor authentication, two-factor authentication, and other authentication methods to ensure that only authorized users can access your documents.
  2. Encryption: SignFree uses advanced encryption methods to ensure that your documents and signatures are secure during transit and at rest. We use SSL/TLS encryption to encrypt your data during transit, and AES-256 encryption to encrypt your data at rest.
  3. Audit trail: SignFree offers an audit trail feature that tracks every action taken on your documents and signatures. This helps you keep track of who accessed your documents and when, which is essential for compliance and regulatory purposes.
  4. Access controls: SignFree offers granular access controls that allow you to specify who can access your documents and signatures. This helps you limit access to sensitive documents and signatures to only authorized users.
  5. Secure storage: SignFree stores your documents and signatures in secure, redundant data centers that are protected by advanced security measures. This ensures that your data is always safe and secure, even in the event of a disaster or cyber attack.


SignFree: Your Partner for Secure Signatures

At SignFree, we take the security of your signatures seriously, and we are committed to providing you with the highest level of security possible. Our platform offers a variety of security features to help you secure your signatures and protect your business from cyber threats. With SignFree, you can rest assured that your signatures are safe and secure.



Securing your signatures is essential for protecting your business from cyber threats and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. SignFree’s advanced security features make it easy to secure your signatures and protect your business from cyber threats. With SignFree, you can sign documents securely, efficiently, and with peace of mind. Sign up for SignFree today and experience the security of secure signatures!